the start
I think a lot. I mean A LOT. Definitely one of those get lost in your head kinda guys. There’s a light and shadow side to that personality, and not too long I stumbled on the inner permission to lean into the light.
I’m a “Big Idea” kind of person with little follow through. I have a potent combo of creative drive and self doubt that tend to cancel each other out. But somewhere along the line a little glimmer of light started shining and a tiny voice that said “why not just try?” After all, you never know what’s on the other end of a risk.
Nothing like exposure therapy for your fear of failure right?
So I started to sit think, plan, design, and dream and came up with something that makes my heart quite excited.
An apparel/design/blog called Ineetsive Thoughts
This is a play on ‘intrusive thoughts’ which by definition are unwelcome and unsettling. InTEEsive thoughts though are thoughts to be embraced and enjoyed (and occasionally will make a t-shirt or something).
Hop around the website or social media and you’ll find a heartfelt, transparent, and childlike atmosphere to give you a dose of warmth and positivity in a world where that can be exceedingly hard to find.
Thanks for checking it out and stay tuned for more thought nuggets.
Further up & further in,